


In a rapidly evolving world, success demands more than traditional education. BEStwenty4 equips you with essential 21st-century skills, preparing you for the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. From critical thinking to communication, our comprehensive keynotes ensure that you’re ready for anything.


BEStwenty4 isn't just a solution; it's a movement. We understand the unique challenges that today's society presents, and we're committed to empowering the youth to overcome them. With BEStwenty4, we don't just bridge the gap; we build bridges to a brighter future.


Our commitment to the youth goes beyond words; we provide hands-on mentoring that guides them through crucial life decisions. The mentorship program at BEStwenty4 is designed to instill confidence, resilience, and a sense of purpose, ensuring they emerge as leaders in their own right.


We recognize the critical role educators and support staff play in shaping the future. BEStwenty4 offers tailor-made staff development programs that equip professionals with the tools to inspire and guide the next generation effectively.


BEStwenty4 understands that parental support is fundamental. Our parental coaching services bridge the communication gap between parents and their children, fostering understanding and creating a supportive environment for personal and academic growth.


Sports teach invaluable life skills, and BEStwenty4 integrates this philosophy into our We Not Me program. We create a team culture through activities that not only promote physical well-being but also instill teamwork, discipline, and leadership –qualities that extend far beyond the final whistle.






    Time: 3 Hour Sessions (x6)

    Participants: 5 - 250+ (Follow Up Workshops Available)

    Unlock the power of G.A.M.E. with BEStwenty4, a transformative 6-session program tailored just for you. Cultivate a "G.A.M.E. Related Mentality" through Guidance, Appreciation, Motivation, and Education in our engaging platform. Say goodbye to lectures and hello to interactive learning experiences with dynamic activities, group discussions, and hands-on projects. Prepare to collaborate, problem-solve, and expand your horizons.

    Benefits Include:

    • Guidance: Navigate challenges with experienced mentors to uncover your true potential and chart a course to success.

    • Appreciation: Embrace your uniqueness within a community that celebrates individuality, fostering inclusivity and respect.

    • Motivation: Ignite your passion through inspiring workshops and speakers, fueling ambition and helping you overcome obstacles.

    • Education: Empower yourself with knowledge. Explore diverse educational opportunities, from career exploration to study skills, preparing for a successful future.


    Time: 4 - 8 Hours

    Participants: 5 - 250+ (Follow Up Workshops Available)

    A transformative workshop designed to reignite your passion and rediscover your purpose in both work and lifestyle. This powerful session creates a supportive and reflective space for individuals at all staff levels, fostering self-discovery and providing practical tips to reignite your spark. The workshop focuses on enabling clarity of purpose and recognizing the crucial role purpose-driven leaders play in organizations. Through coaching, participants clearly understand their organization's purpose and learn to effectively communicate it to inspire and align their team with the overall mission. Join REMEMBERED to equip yourself with tools and wisdom, leading with greater purpose and drive, and making a meaningful impact in your work. Let us help you remember why you started this journey, creating a life and career aligned with your deeper purpose.

    Benefits Include:

    • Rediscover Your Purpose: Delve into the core of your professional and personal pursuits. Experience a powerful reminder of the passion driving your endeavors.

    • Supportive Exploration Space: Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your career, our workshop provides a supportive and reflective space for exploration and idea-sharing. It fosters an environment conducive to personal and professional growth.

    • Clarity of Purpose: At the heart of REMEMBERED is the pursuit of clarity of purpose. Gain a crystal-clear understanding of your organization's mission and how your contributions align with the larger vision. This empowers you to be a purpose-driven leader.

    • Enhanced Leadership Tools: Acquire invaluable tools and insights for leading with enhanced purpose and drive. Effectively communicate your purpose to inspire and motivate your team, aligning individual goals with the collective mission for a meaningful impact in your professional sphere.


    Time: 4 - 8 Hours

    Participants: 5 - 250+ (Follow Up Workshops Available)

    Leaders II Society, a BEStwenty4 training session, is meticulously crafted to cultivate a dynamic campus culture and fostering leadership qualities within individuals. This adaptable Professional Development and Enrichment Session, suitable for both staff and students, unravels the essence of leadership under the expert guidance of Coach BE. Invest in your student and staff empowerment with BEStwenty4's impactful self-awareness workshop.

    Benefits Include:

    • Self-Discovery: Uncover and nurture leadership qualities within individuals.

    • Contagious Leadership: Foster a spirit of leadership that spreads in classrooms, on campus, and within the community.

    • Deep Dive into Leadership: Engage in hands-on sessions exploring the layers of effective leadership.

    • Adaptability: Tailored to meet the unique needs of participants, ensuring relevance and impact.


    Time: 4 - 8 Hours

    Participants: 5 - 75+ (Follow Up Workshops Available)

    Enhancing Success In Your Sports Program with BEStwenty4. Coach BE is poised to be your partner in achieving peak performance in and out of the locker room. Our innovative program is designed to foster resilient team cultures and adeptly resolve conflicts. Don't miss out on this opportunity to embrace change, adapt, and excel with BEStwenty4 in transforming your sports program for sustained success.

    Benefits Include:

    • Enhanced Team Communication & Collaboration: Foster a culture of effective communication and collaboration for seamless teamwork.

    • Elevated Leadership Capabilities: Develop stronger leadership skills among coaches, captains, and players.

    • Tailored Conflict Resolution Strategies: Expertly crafted strategies to promote harmony within the locker room.

    • Customized Solutions for Any Environment: Equip your sports program to excel in diverse settings, whether in-person or remote.

  • progress over perfection

    Time: 90 Mins Sessions (x8)
    Participants: 5 - 250+ (Follow Up Workshops Available)

    Tailored to empower parents throughout their children's educational journey, these engaging sessions, spanning elementary, middle, and high school phases, provide a supportive community and a peer-to-peer network for shared learning. The eight-week elementary workshops integrate Social-Emotional Learning and Digital Literacy, emphasizing positive self-esteem, effective school system navigation, and college-going plans. Middle school workshops cover crucial topics such as GPA, college requirements, and Common Core State Standards, fostering collaboration with school counselors. High school workshops focus on college planning, admission requirements, GPA insights, and financial aid education. Each workshop series, with one 90-minute session per week, equips parents with valuable tools, resources, and digital skills. The inclusive and supportive environment encourages parents to join Coach BE on the journey of progress over perfection, fostering academic and personal success for their students.

    Benefits Include:

    • Gain Expert Insights: Immerse yourself in the "Progress Over Perfection" workshops to delve into thoughtfully curated sessions, providing parents with invaluable insights across elementary, middle, and high school stages of their child's education.

    • Build a Supportive Network: Become part of a nurturing community where parents connect and learn collaboratively, fostering a peer-to-peer network that thrives on shared experiences and mutual growth throughout the educational journey of their children.

    • Acquire Practical Parenting Tools: Participate in the eight-week elementary, middle, and high school workshops, with each week featuring a 90-minute session, to equip yourself with practical tools, resources, and digital skills essential for effective parenting and bolstering academic success.

    • Confidently Navigate Challenges: Elevate your parenting skills through tailored workshops covering critical areas such as positive self-esteem, school system navigation, college plans, GPA insights, Common Core State Standards, and financial aid education. This preparation empowers you to navigate educational challenges with confidence, guiding your child's academic and personal development.


    Time: 4 - 8 Hours

    Participants: 5 - 75+ (Follow Up Workshops Available)

    The Get In The Game training session is tailored to empower organizations by enhancing teamwork and communication skills in the workplace. Led by Coach BE, a skilled facilitator, this session focuses on equipping participants with essential strategies for effective communication, collaboration, and relationship-building. Through a mix of lectures, group discussions, and hands-on activities, attendees will learn to improve communication, active listening, teamwork, conflict resolution skills and overcoming common obstacles to productivity. Designed to be engaging and interactive, this training offers ample opportunities for real-world skill application.

    Benefits Include:

    • Enhanced Communication: Develop improved communication and active listening skills.

    • Stronger Team Collaboration: Foster a culture of collaboration and teamwork within the organization.

    • Conflict Resolution Strategies: Acquire effective strategies to resolve conflicts in the workplace.

    • Increased Productivity: Overcome common obstacles hindering teamwork, leading to enhanced workplace efficiency.


    Time: 4 - 8 Hours
    Participants: 5 - 250+ (Follow Up Workshops Available)

    This session focuses on maintaining poise in both professional and personal life, offering insights and strategies for confident conflict resolution. Through interactive activities, discussions, and exercises, participants gain skills to handle challenges and enhance decision-making and communication. Emphasizing collaboration, the workshop underscores the power of unity for collective success. Ideal for professionals seeking poise, confidence, and conflict resolution abilities, "Planted In Poise" provides practical tools and a supportive environment for personal and professional growth. Join us to discover the transformative benefits of poise.

    Benefits Include:

    • Enhance Professional & Personal Poise: Attend "Planted In Poise" to focus on maintaining composure in both professional and personal spheres, gaining insights and strategies for confident conflict resolution.

    • Develop Practical Skills: Engage in interactive activities, discussions, and exercises designed to equip participants with practical skills for effectively handling challenges, enhancing decision-making, and improving communication.

    • Emphasize Collaboration & Unity: Embrace the workshop's emphasis on collaboration, recognizing the power of unity for collective success, fostering a harmonious and impactful environment in both personal and professional settings.

    • Achieve Personal & Professional Growth: Tailored for professionals seeking poise, confidence, and conflict resolution abilities, "Planted In Poise" offers a supportive environment and practical tools, providing an opportunity for transformative personal and professional growth. Join us to unlock the benefits of poise in your life.


    Time: 3 Hour Sessions (x6)

    Participants: 5 - 250+ (Follow Up Workshops Available)

    Join The Fella-Ship for a transformative journey tailored to young men navigating through their healing process, guided by the over two decades Coach BE's expertise in understanding and supporting them. Let’s collaborate in reshaping the narrative of masculinity and fostering these young men’s emotional well-being. The Fella-Ship is where it can be done, because they don't have to do it alone.

    Benefits Include:

    • Personalized Coaching: Experience impactful one-on-one and group coaching sessions designed to elevate the journey toward healing and growth.

    • Aligned Mission: Collaborate with us to align with your organization's mission, bringing unparalleled experience and value to initiatives resonating with young men.

    • Challenge Cultural Norms: Coach BE challenges societal norms, empowering young men to unlearn rigid definitions of masculinity and discover strength in emotional intelligence.

    • Social-Emotional Support: BEStwenty4 assists young men in understanding and expressing their social-emotional needs, providing practical solutions for balanced and wholesome support in their various roles.


    Time: 4 - 8 Hours

    Participants: 5 - 150+ (Follow Up Workshops Available)

    REMAIN C.A.L.M. is a training session designed by BEStwenty4 to help organizations develop impactful teamwork and communication skills in the workplace centered around Consistency, Accountability, Leadership, and Mentorship, in a fun and interactive way. The training is designed to be engaging and interactive, with plenty of opportunities for participants to practice their skills and apply what they've learned in real-world scenarios. It is suitable for employees at all levels of an organization, from frontline staff to senior managers. Overall, this training provides an excellent opportunity for organizations to invest in their employees and create a more collaborative and productive workplace.

    Benefits Include:

    • Enhanced Communication: Improve communication and collaboration skills among team members.

    • Relationship Building: Build stronger relationships with colleagues to foster a positive work environment.

    • Increased Productivity: Boost productivity and efficiency in the workplace.

    • Conflict Resolution: Equip participants with strategies to handle conflict and overcome obstacles for better teamwork.


    Time: 4 - 8 Hours

    Participants: 5 - 250+ (Follow Up Workshops Available)

    Join BEStwenty4 & Coach BE for an exciting youth workshop called "RESPECT MY MIND." In this interactive session, we'll dive into the topic of mental health and therapy, breaking down the stigma and providing insights on the right approaches while dispelling misconceptions.

    Coach BE, drawing from personal experiences, will highlight the importance of adopting healthy coping methods. Discover the power of your support system during challenging times and imagine what it means to be "At Peace." By the end of this workshop, you'll not only walk away with an improved mental state but also gain valuable perspectives. Get ready to explore, learn, and leave with a refreshed mind!

    Benefits Include:

    • Gain Insights into Mental Health: Attendees will delve into the crucial topic of mental health, exploring therapy, breaking down stigmas, and dispelling myths to foster a better understanding of this essential aspect of well-being.

    • Learn & Implement Healthy Coping Methods: Coach BE, drawing from personal experiences, will guide participants in discovering the significance of adopting healthy coping methods. This practical knowledge can positively impact their ability to navigate challenging situations.

    • Build a Support System: Understand the power of a robust support system during difficult times. The workshop emphasizes the importance of cultivating connections and relationships that contribute to one's mental well-being.

    • Achieve Inner Peace: Explore the concept of being "At Peace" and leave the workshop with not only an improved mental state but also a newfound perspective on achieving inner peace through the insights and strategies shared during the interactive session.


    Time: 4 - 8 Hours

    Participants: 5 - 250+ (Follow Up Workshops Available)

    Ever wondered what your social media says about you? Join BEStwenty4 & Coach BE in a fun and eye-opening youth workshop, LOL: LUSTING OVER LIKES - No Laughing Matter. that’s centered around "Our Online Identity." Explore the messages your profiles convey on platforms like TikTok, X (formerly Twitter), Snapchat, and Instagram. Uncover the potential issues arising from these digital personas. This workshop delves into the repercussions of negative social media activity and provides insights, discussions, and practical tips to empower students in crafting mindful, positive, and appropriate online profiles. Engage in this interactive session to navigate the complexities of social media with awareness and responsibility.

    Benefits Include:

    • Self-Discovery: Explore and understand your online identity on popular platforms like TikTok, X, Snapchat, and Instagram, gaining insights into the messages your profiles convey.

    • Impact Awareness: Delve into the repercussions of negative social media activity and learn about the real-world impact of your digital persona, empowering you to make informed choices.

    • Interactive Learning: Engage in discussions, activities, and practical tips that go beyond theoretical knowledge, providing you with the tools to craft mindful, positive, and appropriate online profiles.

    • Empowerment and Responsibility: Empower yourself to navigate the complexities of social media with awareness and responsibility, turning potential issues into opportunities for personal growth and positive online engagement.


    Time: 4 - 8 Hours

    Participants: 5 - 250+ (Follow Up Workshops Available)

    Embark on the dynamic journey of the 'Ready For The World' workshop with BEStwenty4 and Coach BE, an interactive session focused on College and Career Readiness. This transformative workshop ensures that high school students not only grasp the buzzword but also build a crucial foundation for success in diverse post-secondary opportunities. Delving into the intersection of individual goals, interests, and precise skill sets, participants gain essential knowledge, skills, and dispositions for triumph in postsecondary education and gainful employment.

    Benefits Include:

    • Holistic Readiness Approach: Attendees benefit from a comprehensive exploration of both college and career readiness, gaining insights into core academic subjects, higher-order skills, employability skills, and technical proficiency essential for success in today's dynamic workplace.

    • Strategic Planning for Success: 'Ready For The World' equips participants with a strategic plan tailored to their goals, providing a roadmap for navigating the complexities of postsecondary education and the workforce. This ensures they leave with a clear understanding of available career opportunities and the necessary education, fostering confidence in their path to success.

    • Building Fundamental Dispositions: The workshop emphasizes the development of fundamental dispositions crucial for postsecondary success, including self-efficacy, initiative, integrity, adaptability, and ethical decision-making. These foundational traits contribute to personal and professional growth.

    • Empowering Career Exploration: Participants gain a dynamic platform for exploring various career opportunities, understanding the education required, and honing the skills needed for success. 'Ready For The World' empowers students to confidently navigate the complexities of their postsecondary journey, setting them on a path towards a successful future.


“You become a leader once you give more than you take and produce more than you consume.”

-Coach BE